Monday, December 1, 2008

Detroit Lions Football Players and Etiquette

This extremely interesting article tells us how the Detroit Lions are doing something right: Their rookies are required to attend a five-hour course in personal etiquette, run by a professional in that field.

Young men whose lives have centered on football and who have recently come into huge piles of money are generally not those whom you would expect to see modeling the manners of the genteel. They are taught about the use of the "n-word" (i.e., don't), table etiquette, how to shake hands, what wines are appropriate with what meats, and that jeans that hang off your rear end do not present the kind of image they should be conveying to the world. And more.

There is a very worthwhile video that accompanies the story at that web page. I encourage you to watch it.

It would be great watching, too, for a lot of teens I know today...especially the young men, but also the young women who are making their acquaintance.

1 comment: said...

Now if only someone would take Lions rookies aside and spend five hours teaching them football.

Goster-the-imposter just isn't cutting it out on the field. Sure he's a swell gentleman, though.


(FYI: My shovel is sharp and my will is outstanding.)