Saturday, March 29, 2008

Congratulations to Bill & Tammy!

Bill and Tammy, friends of mine, have now been married ten years. They are the parents of two lovely girls who are models of courtesy and kindness.

Bill and Tammy did not have a church wedding. Ten years ago, they would probably admit that although they loved each other and wanted to have a good marriage, they were not the kind of people whose lives were entirely pleasing to God.

A lot has happened in the past ten years. Salvation. Surrender to God. Lifestyle changes. Regular church attendance is now part of their schedule. Today, they reaffirmed their vows in the presence of family and friends at our church, not just to finally have a church ceremony, but also to reaffirm to their loved ones their love for each other and the love of God for them.

Far too many people today forget (or ignore) that God's commands regarding marriage involve complete commitment and deep love for one's spouse. Bill and Tammy have done their part, in life actions as well as a special ceremony, to model that.

For this they are to be congratulated. And they're doing well loving and rearing their children, too.

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