My mind was wandering yesterday and came to this question: What is the most significant difference between Baptist and Catholic teachings?
Of course, there are many doctrinal differences between the two. The most significant one I could come up with is this:
Baptists believe that salvation is by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, alone. Catholics believe that salvation can only come through the Catholic church.I believe that my church is important and serves many important functions, not the least of which are the evangelistic proclaiming of the Gospel to the lost and the edification of the saved. But my church and my pastor cannot save my soul—only God can do that. I have the eternally-significant responsibility to accept Jesus Christ as my Savior and ask Him to forgive my sins. I can do this without the intermediation of any church, and many have, throughout the centuries, done so. I thank God for my church and my pastor, and for Bible-preaching churches and God-fearing pastors everywhere. I thank God that they preach the Gospel and that they edify and encourage me, my family, and my loved ones. The Church of God is an institution of immense importance.
But my church cannot save my soul. Only God can do that.
please research the teaching of the Catholic doctrine as found in the Catechism....while the Church holds the fullness of truth and has since the time of the diciples, it does not save anyone. Only through Christ will you be saved and the best way to Christ is through the one, holy and apostolic church, the Catholic Church.
It has been my understanding that, according to Catholic doctrine, a person could not receive salvation and eternity in heaven without the interposition of the Catholic church and its sacraments. Would Catholic doctrine leave room for a person to be saved and get to heaven without any action (active or passive) by the church?
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